A lovely park located between Gillette and Candee Avenues in Sayville, NY 11782
Many people have asked to have their wedding at The Common Ground - and it is a beautiful place for a wedding or a Private Affair. Since The Common Ground is a public park owned by the Town of Islip, there are only a few things you need to do in order to reserve this lovely haven.
1. Visit The Common Ground website Calendar page to see what dates may be available.
2. The Town of Islip must approve the request and a fee will be charged. Please contact the Town of Islip Sports Office requesting the date you have chosen by -
Town of Islip Sports Office
Brookwood Hall
50 Irish Lane
East Islip, NY 11730
Or Email: recsports@islipny.gov
Or Phone: (631) 224-5403
3. After your event has been reserved through the Town, email The Common Ground at contactus@thecommonground.com to inform us of your reserved date and event. We will post your event on our calendar and email notifications so the community will know you have reserved the park.
4. It is your responsibility to arrange for chairs, music, flowers, decorating and the like. You may not nail, tack or staple anything into any part of the pavilion (please use the loops that exist on the perimeter of the pavilion roof to hang decorations).
5. You are responsible for cleaning up decorations and anything else left by your event.
You may purchase an engraved paving stone to commemorate the date for $65. Call The Common Ground at 631-459-6603 and ask to have a volunteer return your call about a brick order. Or click to download the order form.
Get your logo on our website and help sponsor the events at The Common Ground.
To make a Tax Deductible Donation, send a check to: Reflective Garden at the Common Ground, Inc., PO Box 533, Sayville, NY 11782
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